В безжалостном шторме Джесс и ее друзья оказываются за бортом опрокинутой яхты. О clinging to the hull for dear life, they are rescued by a colossal ocean liner. But upon boarding the seemingly deserted vessel, they discover that time has stopped and they are not alone.

From the eerie silence to the relentless feeling of being watched, Джесс and her companions must confront the sinister secrets that lie within the ship's labyrinthine corridors. As their desperation grows, so does the urgency to escape the clutches of an unknown pursuer.

Triangle is an edge-of-your-seat thriller that weaves together supernatural horror and psychological suspense. With its haunting atmosphere and nail-biting tension, this gripping tale will leave you questioning the boundaries of reality. Join Джесс and her friends on their terrifying journey into the unknown, where the line between survival and despair blurs.

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