Starlight, a renowned song and dance revue, has captivated audiences worldwide. United by a childhood promise, Karen and Hikari dreamed of sharing its illustrious stage.

Years later, as 16-year-olds, Karen's passion for training fuels her relentless pursuit of her dream. Hikari, now studying afar, finds herself drawn back into Karen's world. Destiny intertwines their paths as they embark on a clandestine audition that will determine their fate as Stage Girls.

Together with other aspiring performers, Karen and Hikari face a rigorous selection process. Through vibrant performances and heartfelt bonds, they navigate the challenges of ambition, rivalry, and the relentless pursuit of their theatrical aspirations. As they strive for the spotlight, the girls unearth hidden talents, forge unbreakable connections, and discover the true meaning of the Starlight legacy.

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