В захватывающем приключении "Золотой компас" двенадцатилетняя Лира Белаква embarks on a perilous journey to the Arctic. Driven by a desire to rescue her kidnapped friend, she teams up with valiant witches led by the beautiful Serafina Pekkala and a formidable armoured bear.

Along their path, they encounter treacherous obstacles, including the enigmatic Mrs. Coulter and her army of monstrous creatures. Yet, amidst the peril, Lee Lyra discovers extraordinary strength and courage. With the guidance of her allies, she navigates treacherous landscapes and uncovers the secrets of a mysterious forbidden substance known as Dust.

Embark on an extraordinary adventure filled with breathtaking visuals, thrilling action, and unforgettable characters. "The Golden Compass" is a cinematic masterpiece that captivates audiences of all ages with its timeless themes of friendship, determination, and the boundless power of the human spirit.

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