В futuristic Los Angeles of 2032, the vile cryogenic fugitive, Simon Phoenix, escapes from a cryogenic prison after decades of incarceration. Determined to wreak havoc, he embarks on a rampage through the peaceful metropolis.

Faced with Phoenix's brutal '90s tactics, the authorities resort to desperate measures. They thaw out Sergeant John Spartan, a legendary cop unjustly frozen for his harrowing encounter with Phoenix in the crime-ridden past. Spartan's raw instincts and unwavering determination become the only hope to neutralize Phoenix and restore order to the year 2032.

Join the electrifying clash between a lawless past and a civilized future in "Demolition Man," a thrilling and thought-provoking sci-fi action spectacle. Witness the explosive return of legendary action stars Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes as they battle for the fate of a society on the brink of chaos.

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