Дзигэн Дайсукэ, неугомонный напарник Люпена, embarks on a perilous quest to find a master craftsman who can forge him an extraordinary weapon - one that will quench his insatiable thirst for destruction.

His journey takes him across treacherous landscapes, through dangerous encounters with both allies and foes. Along the way, Дзигэн's resolve is tested, and his skills as a master marksman are put to the ultimate test.

From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the desolate reaches of the desert, Дзигэн's relentless pursuit of the perfect weapon becomes a race against time. As he inches closer to his goal, the stakes grow higher, and the consequences of failure become dire.

With his signature противотанковое ружье in hand, Дзигэн will stop at nothing to secure the ultimate оружейный арсенал. But can he overcome the challenges that lie ahead and emerge victorious? The fate of his quest hangs in the balance, and only time will tell if Дзигэн will succeed in his pursuit.

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  1. tol1971
    29 октября 2023 21:37
    Нормальное кино. Вестерн по сути. Смотреть можно. Ну если не против японской специфики.
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